Tuesday, October 22, 2013

One of the things I worried about doing for the first time as a single woman was laundry. Our building doesn't have laundry, so we have to drive it down the street. It's difficult. There's only street parking, no lot to speak of. I might only be able to find a spot a block or two away, and carrying two very full laundry baskets on my own is arduous. When Mark and I would do laundry, it would take about three hours. For this single phase of my life, I decided to invest in a wash-and-fold service. But since I don't trust them to take good care of my expensive denim, I took a small basket of stuff to air-dry to the laundromat myself. Including drive time, dropping off the laundry at the wash-n-fold, finding parking around the laundromat and doing a small load of denim to be air-dried at home, it took one hour total. It cost me about $30 more, but I saved myself two hours and a lot of struggle. Mark and I have done many, many loads of laundry at this laundromat. It's quite sad to even look at this picture.—SF


  1. I don't think I have ever been in a place without laundry facilities on the premises, except for maybe one year of living off campus when I was in school. It is a pain in the butt just lugging the laundry down a few flights of stairs, I can't imagine having to pack it up in a car. A wash and fold does sound nice. Funny, since the age of about 14 I have done my own laundry, that is till I got hitched. Now I am really spoiled because the missus fold my stuff perfectly and puts everything away. I fold like crap. Funny, if things ever go south with us laundry will be a stand-out in my life as well, but for different reasons. I can imagine that laundry magnifies your situation. You might also want to invest in one of those folding carts with wheels if you have to lug things a block or two.

  2. No, can't do folding carts. First, I'm not a bag lady, and second, the laundromat is at least a mile away, maybe more. Hence why I need the car.

    The first experience with wash and fold went very well--even though they said it would take up to 3 days, it was back within 24 hours. I'll keep going like this until I hook up with someone who has a washer/dryer, or move somewhere where there's a washer/dryer, or until our bldg gets a washer/dryer. Apparently, the landlord has been promising facilities for almost 20 years, so that's probably not going to happen. It's part of the reason why he can feel OK about charging such low rent in such a high-falutin' neighborhood.

  3. I see plenty more than bag ladies with those folding cart. A number of people in our apartment complex use them. And I wasn't suggesting carting the stuff a mile, I was suggesting a block away or however far away you happen to park. I am sure plenty of people felt the same way about rolling suitcases. Which is also an option though a bit more cumbersome I think for the task of laundry. If we had elevators here instead of stairs, I would have gotten one for the Missus a long time ago. But I guess if you have a cart to wheel your laundry that would nix any opportunity of a handsome guy offering to help you with your arduous task.
