Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Gutter Trash

This was also from my walk to Grand Central last night. —NY


  1. This dismayed me about NY. Trash piled on the streets. And, the streets stink.

    I was there about a year ago, can you believe it! Do you remember I had the most trouble sleeping for those four days? I think I literally slept 12 hours over those four days. I was miserable. And exhausted trying to keep up conversations with Karyn. Who I haven't heard from in months! Kind of relieved.

  2. Hard to believe is was a year ago.
    And yeah, I am still blow away that they have not come up with a solution to the trash. It seems like they could have underground drops tied to the subway or something. Funny, NOW when I hear there is a sanitation worker strike in NY, I know this is nothing like what it would be like in say a city like Chicago that has alleys. My gosh, I just can't imagine the stink.
